Monday, November 30, 2009

"My Life In The Colonies" Project

Assignment: You are going to create a poster telling the story of a typical colonist. Your poster must include a map, two hand-drawn pictures, and a short story about your colonist. You are to make up a colonist and tell me their story.

Grading: This project will count as two test grades and will be graded as following.

1) Map (10 points) – Choose a map of one colony. Show where your colonist lives. This can be any of the 13 colonies.

2) Picture of Your Colonist (20 points) – You must draw a picture of your colonist. Make sure he or she is dressed in the right clothes and looks like a colonist. Do not simply print someone else’s picture. I will never grade on artistic ability.

3) Picture of Your Choice (10 points) – Draw another picture of anything from your colonist’s life. Make sure it is appropriate and be able to tell me why you drew it.

4) Short Story (25 points) – Write a short story about life in the colony. This must be one page long. Pretend you are a colonist and write using “I”. Tell about your family, your job, if you were born here or moved here, a typical day, food, religion, or any other aspect of life. You can write from the view of anybody in any colony. BE CREATIVE, but be accurate.

5) Use of Class Time (5 points) – You will be given time in class to work on this project. Be sure to bring any materials you need on Wednesday, December 9th. I will be available to look at any part of your project up until our field trip on December 10th.

6) Overall Appearance (10 points) – Make your project neat. Make sure all the parts I asked for are there and it generally looks good. I understand they will not all look the same, but none of them should look sloppy.

7) Presentation (10 points) – You will present your project to the class on Friday, December 11th. You will either read your story or tell about the life of your colonist. Points will be deducted for disrespectful behavior during other people’s presentations. This includes talking, asking inappropriate questions, or generally misbehaving.

Schedule: You will have regular homework this week, but not next week. Homework is designed to help you understand the material from class and get you to thinking about what life was like in the colonies. Pay attention in class. Ask questions. Try to keep this project in mind during class for the next two weeks.

Mon., November 30

“The Colonists and Why They Came”

HW – p. 203, # 1-5

Mon., December 7

“Colonial Governments”

HW – Work on Project

Tues., December 1

“The Colonial Way of Life”

HW – Work on Project

Tues., December 8

“Colonial Governments”

HW – Work on Project

Wed., December 2

“Slavery in the Colonies”

HW – p. 209, # 1-5

Wed., December 9

Project Work Day

Thurs., December 3

Catch-Up Day

HW – p. 215, # 2-5 + “Write”

Thurs., December 10

Class Field Trip – Charles Towne Landing

Fri., December 4

“The Colonial Economies”

HW – Work on Project

Fri., December 11

Project Due – Presentations

Use the following questions to help create your story. I am available to help you brainstorm.

1) What is your colonist’s name?

2) Where does your colonist live?

3) Why did he or she decide to live here?

4) What is your colonist’s job?

5) Write one thing about his or her family.

6) Describe a typical day for your colonist.

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