Monday, October 4, 2010

7th Grade - Project DUE Tomorrow

Assignment – You are to teach the class about a famous twentieth-century leader. You are to do this by producing a poster with certain elements and explaining that poster to the class. You will be graded on preparation, presentation, and poster design.

Your poster must include a list of sources, all information relevant to the topic, and a creative design. Focus on CONTENT rather than design, though.

This project is due Tuesday, October 5th. You will present to the class on that day.

You will be given Friday, September 24th and Friday, October 1st to work during class.

Fidel Castro

Nelson Mandela

Saddam Hussein

Mobutu Sese Seko

Idi Amin

David Ben-Gurion

Juan and Eva Peron

Gamal Abdel Nasser

Osama bin-Laden

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Ayatollah Khomeini

Jawaharai Nehru

Yasir Arafat

Mohammed Ali Jinnah

Muammar Qaddafi

Augusto Pinochet

Kwame Nkrumah

Fulgencio Batista

Jomo Kenyatta

Che Guevara

Slobodan Milosevic

You may use pictures from the internet, but the words on each poster should be your own.

Points Possible

“I think I got…”

Your Score

Preparation – Student uses their time outside of class well, as evidenced by the complexity of both information and presentation, in addition to their readiness to answer questions.


Poster – Poster is colorful, and informative. Poster catches the eye of the casual observer and then teaches them about your topic.


Pictures – Your poster MUST contain at least 3 pictures. (5 points each)


List of Sources – You must list all sources used for research on your poster.


Presentation – Students convey all appropriate information without making any noises like barnyard animals. Students are poised and keep the attention of their classmates.


Other People’s Presentations – Student pays attention during the presentations of other students, asking questions when necessary and giving them the proper respect deserved.


On Time – 10 points off for each day late!




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