Monday, August 31, 2009


I had homework on the schedule, but we managed to finish it all in class. Thanks for a great year this far!

Friday, August 28, 2009

No Homework

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


All students had time to go over homework with me in class. Several of them finished before the end of class. Regarding the tentative dates, I will be giving you details as I have them on the projects listed.

5th Grade - p. 21, # 1-3

8th Grade - p. 16, # 3, 4

Earth Science - p. 22, # 1-3

Upcoming Dates (Tentative)

September 3rd - South Carolina vs. NC State

September 5th - UGA @ OK State

September 9th - 8th Grade Social Studies Test

September 11th - 7th Grade Social Studies Project Due (To be assigned Monday, August 31st)

September 15th - Earth Science Test

September 17th - Earth Science Project Due (To be assigned Wednesday, September 2nd)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

No homework for any of my classes this evening. I do, however, have several small projects for the coming weeks. Details to come soon.

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday's Gone

7th Grade - p. 19, # 2, 3, 4, 6

All other classes, no homework for me this evening. Enjoy your night!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The only new homework for the evening is for 7th Grade:

Read p. 6-7. Write ONE PARAGRAPH answering the following question:

  • "How does geography influence history?"

Students who have not turned in a signed syllabus should do so soon.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekend Homework

All students are to get their parents to sign the syllabus for my classes they should be bringing home tonight. If your child has lost their syllabus, I have posted the document in the previous post below. Thanks for a great first week!

Course Objectives and Grading

5th Grade United States History: This course is designed to introduce students to their nation. As they become more aware of the world around them, it is necessary to cover many different aspects of their country, past and present. In this course we will cover various aspects of geography, citizenship, government, history, economics, and culture.

6th Grade World History: This course is designed to introduce students to the past and present cultures of the world around them. As students mature and become more interested in that world, we will focus on how to study and think critically about that world. We will cover various aspects of geography, citizenship, government, history, economics, and culture.

7th Grade United States History to 1877: This course is designed to discuss American history through Reconstruction. In this course we will cover various aspects of geography, citizenship, government, history, economics, and culture. I will offer many different perspectives on historical events, focusing on social and cultural history.

8th Grade

United States History Since 1877: This course is designed to continue the study of American history from Reconstruction to the present. In this course we will cover various aspects of geography, citizenship, government, history, economics, and culture. I will offer many different perspectives on historical events, focusing on social and cultural history.

Earth Science: This course is designed to introduce students to the physical world around them. We will focus on the scientific method, minerals, rocks, plate tectonics, weather, climate, energy, water resources, and many other topics.

Materials: Your child will need a system to keep up with their material for each class, as well as paper on which to take any notes. The folders you purchased will work nicely. Students will be notified if they need to bring any other materials to class, such as markers or any other art supplies.

You do not have to purchase any additional supplies for the school year. The occasional Social Studies or Science project may require other materials, but I encourage you to be thrifty. I will never grade on quality of artwork, but on the ability to convey knowledge of the material.

Grading: Students will be given grades frequently throughout the course of the year. They will be weighted as follows:

  • 30 % - Class Work / Quizzes / Participation - Any work completed in class. This includes quizzes, worksheets, or notes from class. Participation is unique to each child. I will keep a record of students who contribute to class through speaking, but also in their unique ways.
  • 30% - Homework - Homework will be given regularly, but not frequently. Most homework will be graded for completion, and for display of content knowledge. If your child does not turn in completed homework, they will not receive full credit.
  • 40% - Tests / Projects* - Tests will be given with the completion of each chapter or unit. Their dates will be announced well in advance and we will spend time in class for both review of the material and test-taking skills.
  • *Different projects and tests may be weighted more heavily than others. A unit test will count more than a chapter test, and a quarter project will count more than a brief one. Each project will include a grading rubric for your consideration at the time of its assignment.

Communication: E-mail is the best way to contact me during and after school. I check it more than I like to admit. If you would like a telephone call, I will be glad to oblige. My classroom blog will be updated frequently. You can check there for homework assignments, as well as test dates and any information I can provide to guarantee the success of your child. If you have any questions regarding projects, tests, or anything, I will be glad to e-mail you electronic copies of most things I provide in class.

What You Can Expect: I will do my best to make sure each student succeeds in this class. I am available to discuss any grade and what we can do together to improve future performance. If your student is not comfortable with a topic or with his or her understanding of the material, feel free to let me know before and after class.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

178 to Go!

The second day has gone without a hitch! 8th Grade is the only one with homework for me tonight. They are to get their parents to read and sign the syllabus for 8th Grade Social Studies and Earth Science. No other grades have homework, but 5th Grade schould remember to bring their books to my class tomorrow. Thank you again, and I will see your child tomorrow. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day

It was a great first day here at Charleston Catholic School. I am getting to know the faculty and students quite well and am getting even more excited about the upcoming year.

There is no homework for any of my classes this evening.

I will have a syllabus for each class later this week and will ask that your child shares it with you this weekend.

Again, thanks to everyone for the welcome wishes and I look forward to working with you soon!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello everyone! This is the official blog for my classes at Charleston Catholic School. Visit this site for updates concerning homework, projects, and whatever information you may need.

I am excited about this upcoming year and I hope you are too!